Thursday, July 10, 2014

recent happenings..

Nearly two weeks have gone by without a post to document them, so this is me playing catch-up! Even so, I am saving this past week's events for the next post.. as I am still in the thick of it! Anyway, here's what I've got for ya!

-My parents and youngest sister were here for week four of camp, which was two weeks ago! They had a wonderful trip, and are back home safely. I got to be with them for a very brief amount of time on the last day of camp, and it felt so good to be there with them! While I was there, we took some pictures, but we also got to experience the balloon release! Each child got a balloon (all of which were the Zambian flag colors), and released it into the air after saying altogether, "I am the next 50 years of Zambia." This was hugely symbolic for them.
"The Next 50" has essentially been a movement this year, as it is Zambia's 50th birthday as an independent nation. Reflecting on the last fifty years and looking ahead to the next fifty, Family Legacy is building up the generation that will be accountable for those years. We are pouring into the children, the future of Zambia. We are declaring that this future will be inundated with children-turned-adults who have come from the bottom of society, but because of the Lord's grace and love, have been raised up as the leaders of the country. We are pouring love and the Word of God and life into children who are the least of these, but in just a few years time, will be the anointed ones to take hold of their nation's future and make it a bright one. This is powerful stuff, y'all.
Here are pictures of my parents at camp, and of the balloon release. Such a fun day!

Mom, me, and Dad! Love those peeps.

Little sister Melanie and her PRECIOUS baby girls.
The balloons flying up, up, up over the Zambian flag! 

-Once my parents left, we had a break week in between the two teacher trips! We spent the week sleeping in and relaxing, but we also got to work on the teaching resource closet. I don't have the before/after pics, but imagine a dusty, crowded storage room full of random educational supplies. Then imagine a much less (but still a little) dusty room, with shelves upon shelves of pencils, pens, construction paper and the like, all neatly organized. That's basically it. But it definitely was some hard work and quite a success. Pat on the back for us.

-It just so happens every year that July 4th falls on break week. Since we are an American-run organization based in Africa, we still make sure we celebrate our homeland's independence. Each year the celebration gets bigger and better. This year was no exception. Complete with barbecue, potato salad, watermelon, a dance party, actual fireworks, and the singing of our National Anthem, this July 4th was a blast. It was a wonderful way to end break week with sweet friends and delicious food.

The Teach ONE crew on the 4th!

Zambian fireworks are a thing. Proof.

-We started our second Teach ONE trip at a different school yesterday (Monday and Tuesday were national holidays). We have just about gotten our feet wet with our new teachers and classrooms, but we only have a week left with them! It has been a whirlwind as we have been pressed for time to do all that we want to do, but it has been good so far! More updates will come once I get some pics taken!

-Last night, I downloaded the new Hillsong CD "No Other Name." It finished downloading this morning as I was getting ready for school. I'm listening to it now as I blog, and I definitely recommend it. But, if at all possible, download it in America. ;)

Anyway that's all for now. It is bedtime here in Zambizzle, so I'm out for now. Thank you for your prayers, and keep 'em coming! I only have one more week to love on these kids (don't even want to THINK about how quickly goodbye is coming up), so pray that we teachers would all make the most of it!

-Auntie Maliah

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